How to Meditate With Crystals

Crystals like lapis lazuli, carnelian and tiger’s eye are great for meditation.

If you’re working towards an important goal, crystals and meditation can be great tools. Meditating can help you focus on your goals and feel confident about the steps you’ll take to reach them. By adding a crystal, the extra energy can amplify your results. 

If you charge your crystal with a positive vision, the energy from the stone can help you stay motivated throughout the day. If you’re wondering how to meditate with crystals, try these 4 easy steps.

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If you’re already used to meditating, you can add crystals to amplify your intention. But even if you’re a total beginner, you can easily learn to meditate with crystals. Just follow the simple steps below to begin your crystal meditation practice.

1. Choose a Crystal to Meditate With

There’s hundreds of different crystals, in every size, shape and color. Each stone has it’s own meaning and uses. As well as general meanings, certain crystals can connect with you, in a unique way. If you already have some crystals, you probably felt a connection or a pull when you chose them.

When you’re choosing a crystal to meditate with, think about your intention. Some crystals work better for certain goals, so start with those. If you feel a pull towards one crystal, you can be sure that’s the one for you.

Crystals For Meditating

Most crystals have more than one use. For example, amethyst can be used for healing, self love, calming anxiety and more. The most important part of choosing a crystal is your intention and your connection to it. 

If you feel pulled to a certain stone, but the book meaning doesn’t match your intention, don’t worry. Go ahead and use the crystal you’re drawn to. Any crystal can connect to your intention and help direct energy towards it.

If you’d like some guidance in choosing a crystal, some of the most popular ones have terrific energy that matches specific goals:

Crystals to Increase Self Love or Attract Love and Friendship

Some crystals are naturally attuned to attract love and friendship. It could be because of the color, the mineral makeup or the energy of the stone. 

Pink and red stones are traditionally associated with romance and love, but other colors are great, too. Purple amethyst and blue lapis lazuli are also great conductors of love.

Crystals to Relieve Anxiety or Promote Healing

Cool, clear stones are terrific at relieving anxiety and helping to heal. The calm energy of moonstone and quartz can help bring your emotions into a steady state. 

Other stones can work just as well. If the cool blue of aventurine feels good to you, try meditating with a piece and see if it helps you.

Crystals to Attract Money or Career Success

Green, the color of money, is the most popular stones for bringing cash and other material success. Malachite, peridot and jade are wonderful green stones that can help with your cash, career or business goals. 

Bright yellow citrine and brown tiger’s eye are other high energy stones that can help in these areas. Meditating with citrine or other stones is a great way to attract money and abundance. Look at a few of these crystals and choose the one that feels best to you.

2. Choose a Meditation Position

To begin using your crystal during meditation, settle into your chosen position. Hold your crystal in your left hand and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and release on the exhale. Let go of any anxiety, worry or fear. The next 10 minutes are for you alone. You are safe. It’s ok to relax. Breathe and let go.

Positions For Meditating

Before you start meditating, make sure you’re comfortable. Don’t feel like you have to stay absolutely still the entire time. If your nose gets itchy - you can scratch it! But you should be able to stay in your meditation position for at least 10 minutes. Moving around too much will distract you and you’ll lose your focus. 

Sit in the Lotus Position

The lotus position is a classic meditation pose. If you can, sit on the floor and cross your legs. If it’s uncomfortable, try sitting on a cushion or blanket that will make your hips higher than your legs. 

Sit on a Chair

If it’s still uncomfortable, don’t worry. There’s lot of other positions that work just as well. You can sit on a chair, with your back straight and both feet on the floor. 

Lie on the Floor

Or you can lay down on your bed or the floor. If you’re laying flat, put a pillow or blanket under your knees, to take the pressure off of your lower back. If the room is cool, cover yourself with a light blanket.

3. Visualize the Crystal Energy

When you feel ready, begin to visualize the crystal energy flowing into your body. Visualizing energy is different for everyone. Some people see the colors of the crystal itself, others picture a gentle white light. Some people don’t actually picture anything. They just feel the energy flowing. If you have trouble seeing or feeling actual crystal energy, just focus on your breath. Feel your breath flowing in and out and trust that the energy is flowing, too.

Bottom of a candle holder with a variety of crystals, including carnelian, peach selenite and celestite.

Citrine, malachite and fluorite are wonderful crystals to meditate with.

4. Receive the Flow of Energy

Your left hand is your receiving hand. Think about the reason you chose the crystal - what are you hoping to receive? Let the crystal energy flow into your hand and throughout your body. Remember to let it flow all the way into the ground. You don’t want stuck energy at the end of your meditation. The energy flows from the crystal, throughout your body and back down into the earth. Notice how it feels to receive energy from your crystal and let it connect with your intention.

Am I Doing it Right?

The first few times you try meditating with crystals, you might not be sure if you’re doing it right. You are, I promise. Any time you set an intention and put energy into it, the Universe responds. Meditating for 10 minutes a day will direct energy towards your goals and bring your mind into alignment. If you start your day in a positive state, you’ll be more focused, more creative and more confident in everything you do.

Stay Positive

As you continue in your meditation practice, you might start to get clear pictures of the object of your focus. You can use your crystal to amplify your meditation. Picture it in connection with your intention. This will help you receive the energy to help manifest your goals. 

If you’d like to carry your crystal with you, you can keep it in your purse or pocket. If you hold it throughout the day, it can help you stay in a positive mindset and keep you focused on your goals.

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“How to Meditate With Crystals”


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