About Me


Hi, I’m Colleen McCarthy.

I believe that everything we have in our lives, good or bad, we’ve manifested for ourselves. Through our thoughts, our decisions and our actions. I started this site as a way to share my best techniques for setting a positive mindset and manifesting the best life possible.

My Qualifications

I’m a meditation and yoga teacher with a background in crystal healing. I completed my Yoga Teacher Training at World Peace Yoga School in Rishikesh, India.

I’m certified to teach Kundalini, Meditation, Pranayama and Hatha Yoga to standards set by Yoga Alliance USA.

Me standing in between two huge amethyst geodes.

Standing between The Crystal Guardians in Byron Bay, Australia.

At the graduation ceremony for my
200 hour YTT Class in Rishikesh, India.

I’m a Master at Manifesting

I’m a master at manifesting. I don’t say that to show off. I think we’re all the master at manifesting of our own lives. All the things we have and do are a result of our thoughts and beliefs.

Everything I’ve accomplished is the result of my thoughts. From the great things to the not so great things. From terrible jobs to crummy boyfriends, they were the result of believing that I didn’t deserve better. 

But I manifested some great things, too. Once I started believing in myself, I set new goals and I did some really cool stuff. I got an electrical engineering diploma, an industrial electrician license and some terrific jobs. I bought myself a condo, then I traded up to a 3 bedroom house with a new car in the driveway.

Once I had everything I wanted I wasn’t sure what to do next. So I took a sabbatical from it all. I quit my job, sold my house and my car. I put my stuff in storage and bought a one way ticket to Paris.

The Power of Decision

After 5 weeks in Paris I kept buying one way tickets until I made it around the world. It took just over a year and I learned so much along the way.

The most important thing I learned was the power of making a decision. And how I make the best decisions when I’m starting with a positive mindset. 

Design a Life You Love

I enjoyed all the houses and cars while I had them, but it turns out I don’t miss them at all. What I want most is freedom to work on things I love. And time to enjoy my life. 

After my sabbatical I never went back to a regular job. Instead, I write websites and create products to sell online. I started this website as a way to share my best techniques for creating a life you love, just in case you want to do the same.

Why Crystals?

 When I started working on my positive mindset I realized that I needed a way to make my ideas feel real. I love dreaming up new visions. But when I wasn’t meditating, I had a hard time hanging onto the images I’d created. Daily life had a way of knocking me out of my dream.

I’ve always loved collecting rocks and crystals. So when I read that you could program them to manifest your dreams I got pretty excited. I grabbed a few off my shelf and started meditating with them right away. And it worked!

Do Crystals Really Work?

For me, crystals are something that I can see and hold. Creating a link between a crystal and my dreams helps me to stay in the right headspace. 

I can carry the stone in my pocket or purse. Any time I need a boost, I can hold the crystal and be reminded of my dream. This simple action always brings me back to a positive mindset and helps me stay focused on my true goals.

Do I think crystals have magical energy? Maybe. Or maybe not. But I know that they work for me. Whether it’s psychology or mysterious crystal vibes isn’t important. All that matters is that using them has helped me manifest everything I’ve ever wanted in my life.

So, do crystals work? Absolutely.

4 photos of me, posing in a tuk tuk, at the temple gate in Siem Reap, walking with 2 elephants and sitting on the stairs at Sigiriya rock formation.

Taking a tuk-tuk ride in Thailand, at the Victory Gate in Cambodia, at an elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai and on Sigiriya in Sri Lanka.