Bumblebee Jasper Meaning and Properties

Bumblebee jasper is named for the bee that it resembles.

Bumblebee Jasper is a striking gemstone that gets attention for its vivid yellow, orange, and black bands. This bright color mix looks a lot like a bumblebee's stripes. 

But even more interesting is where that color comes from - a live volcano! The crystal comes from an active volcano in Java, Indonesia. Bumblebee jasper begins as regular limestone. As the volcano erupts, sulfur, arsenic and other minerals permeate the limestone and alter it’s composition.

It’s this volcanic activity that gives bumblebee jasper it’s unique bands of color. The yellow bands are from sulfur and the black and orange patterns come from manganese oxides.

While the stone is commonly called jasper, it’s technically not a true jasper. True jasper is made of mostly microcrystalline quartz. Bumblebee jasper is actually a complex calcium carbonate mineral that’s mixed with other volcanic substances.

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Bumblebee Jasper Properties

Bumblebee jasper has yellow, orange and black banding. When the stones are shaped and polished, the colors become quite vivid. Bumblebee jasper can be found in all shapes and forms, including tumbled stones, towers and jewelry. 

Family: Agate

Color and Appearance: Bumblebee jasper has vibrant bands of yellow, orange, and black. These colors come from the presence of sulfur and manganese oxides within the stone. 

  • Yellow: Ranging from bright lemon to golden shades

  • Orange: From light to intense fiery tones

  • Black: Providing stark contrast in bands or patches

Where It Can Be Found: Java, Indonesia.

Bumblebee jasper comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Bumblebee Jasper Metaphysical Properties

Astrological Sign: Leo and Cancer

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Chakra: Sacral or solar plexus 

Bumblebee Jasper Meaning

Bumblebee jasper has a number of meanings for those who are drawn to it. Here are some of the spiritual meanings that are often associated with bumblebee jasper:

Embrace Change

Bumblebee jasper is a stone of transformation and it encourages you to accept change, adapt, and find new opportunities in the upheaval.

Cultivate Joy

The vibrant colors of the stone promote joy and uplift the spirit. It teaches the importance of seeking and maintaining a joyful and positive attitude.

Assertiveness and Confidence

The stone is associated with boosting confidence. It can help you assert yourself in a balanced way, learning to set healthy boundaries and take decisive action when needed.

Manifesting Your Desires

Bumblebee jasper will help you focus on specific goals and intentions. It teaches the lesson of the power of your will and the ability to manifest your desires in the physical world.

Creativity and Inspiration

The stone stimulates the sacral and solar plexus chakras. These are associated with creativity and personal power. This can help you trust in your creative impulses and find inspiration in the world around you.

Grounding and Connection to Earth

Bumblebee jasper can ground you to the Earth. It helps you understand the interconnectedness of all life. It promotes environmental stewardship and respect for nature.

Overcoming Challenges

The stone is also associated with overcoming obstacles. It teaches the lesson that challenges can be faced with determination and can lead to personal growth.

Bumblebee jasper comes in a variety of shades, from pale to deep yellow, orange, black and gray.

Bumblebee Jasper Properties

Bumblebee jasper is said to have a number of meanings and properties that are part of various spiritual and cultural traditions. Here are some of the properties attributed to bumblebee jasper:

Personal Power

Bumblebee jasper can enhance self-esteem and personal power. It's can help you make thoughtful decisions, without relying on emotions.


The stone encourages joy and fosters a positive outlook on life. Its bright colors are often associated with happiness and optimism.

New Opportunities

This crystal can bring an increase in opportunities and can help you manifest your highest good.


Bumblebee jasper is also associated with creativity and can be used to help you find new solutions or ideas.


The stone will help you when you’re undergoing significant life changes. It can provide a sense of stability during times of transition.

Earth Energy

Because of its volcanic origin, Bumblebee jasper can connect you to the earth's energy, grounding you and providing physical vitality.

Bumblebee Jasper for the Sacral Chakra 

Bumblebee jasper is considered beneficial for the sacral chakra due to its color and energetic properties. The sacral chakra is the second primary chakra and is associated with the color orange. 

It’s located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. This chakra is associated with emotions, creativity, sexuality, pleasure, and relationships.

Here are a few reasons why Bumblebee jasper is good for the sacral chakra:

Color Resonance

Bumblebee jasper often displays bright yellow, orange, and black colors. The orange hues, in particular, resonate with the traditional color of the sacral chakra. This can help to stimulate and balance this energy center.

Creativity and Passion

The sacral chakra is the center of creativity and passion. Bumblebee jasper encourages creative thinking and the pursuit of your passions, aligning with the essence of the sacral chakra.

Emotional Balance

The stone promotes positivity and helps release negative emotions. This is beneficial for maintaining emotional balance, a key aspect of a healthy sacral chakra.

Confidence and Self-Worth

A balanced sacral chakra is also associated with a healthy sense of self-worth and the ability to relate to others. Bumblebee jasper enhances self-esteem and personal power, which aligns with these aspects of the sacral chakra.

Joy and Vitality

The sacral chakra is linked to the enjoyment of life's pleasures. Bumblebee jasper's bright and uplifting energy enhances joy and vitality, which invigorates the sacral chakra.

Bumblebee jasper is great for healing and balancing the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra.

Bumblebee Jasper for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Bumblebee jasper is also beneficial for the solar plexus chakra due to its energetic properties and colors. The solar plexus chakra is the third primary chakra and it’s associated with the color yellow. 

It’s located above the navel and below the chest. The solar plexus chakra is the center of personal power, self-confidence, responsibility, and willpower.

Here are a few reasons why Bumblebee jasper is good for the solar plexus chakra:

Color Resonance

The stone's prominent yellow coloring resonates with the yellow of the solar plexus chakra. This helps to activate and balance this energy center.

Personal Power and Confidence

Bumblebee jasper inspires assertiveness, confidence, and empowerment. These are qualities associated with a strong and balanced solar plexus chakra.

Motivation and Action

The solar plexus chakra is linked to your ability to take decisive action and move forward with purpose. Bumblebee jasper provides motivation and helps you overcome procrastination. This aligns with the chakra's themes of drive and determination.

Mental Clarity

The stone promotes mental clarity and sharpness. This can be beneficial for the decision-making and intellectual processing that is associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Positive Energy

Bumblebee jasper emits a positive, uplifting energy. The can help dispel feelings of gloom or inadequacy. It fosters a sense of optimism and strength that is crucial for a healthy solar plexus chakra.

Bumblebee Jasper Tower

Bumblebee Jasper Sphere

Physical Healing Properties of Bumblebee Jasper

Digestive System: Bumblebee Jasper is sometimes said to support issues related to the stomach and digestive system.

Circulation: The stone is also associated with improving circulation and reducing feelings of lethargy.

Allergies: Some believe that it can help with allergies and the immune system.

However, it is crucial to approach the use of Bumblebee jasper and other crystals with caution from a physical healing perspective. For anyone considering using crystals for healing, it's essential to remember that they should not replace conventional medical treatment. 

Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any health issues. Crystals can be used as a complementary practice alongside traditional medicine. They can serve as a physical reminder of your intentions and goals for personal well-being.

Is Bumblebee Jasper Toxic?

Bumblebee Jasper contains sulfur and arsenic, which can be toxic if the stone is not handled correctly. It’s also toxic when used in an elixir or ingested in any form. 

It should always be handled with care, and you should wash your hands after touching it. Most polished stones and jewelry are sealed, to prevent you from coming in contact with the sulfur and arsenic.

Polished slab of yellow, gray and black bumblebee jasper on a wooden background.

Bumblebee jasper is perfect for affirmations relating to personal power, motivation and joy.

Affirmations For Bumblebee Jasper

When using affirmations with Bumblebee jasper, you can hold the stone in your hand or place it nearby while you focus on your chosen affirmations. Repeat the affirmations aloud or silently. 

Visualize the stone amplifying the intention behind your words. It’s helpful to choose affirmations that resonate with the stone's properties of empowerment, positivity, creativity, and change. 

Here are some affirmations that will complement the energy of Bumblebee jasper:

For Positivity and Joy

  • I embrace the beauty and joy in each moment.

  • With every breath, I invite positivity and happiness into my life.

For Personal Power and Confidence

  • I am confident in my ability to make positive changes in my life.

  • I possess the strength and courage to overcome any challenge.

For Creativity and Inspiration

  • Creativity flows through me effortlessly; I am inspired by the world around me.

  • I am open to new ideas and embrace my creative potential.

For Decision Making and Clarity

  • I trust my intuition and make decisions with clarity and confidence.

  • I am focused and clear-minded; my path is defined.

For Embracing Change

  • I welcome change as an opportunity for growth and renewal.

  • I am adaptable and resilient in the face of life's transformations.

For Motivation and Action

  • I am motivated and driven to pursue my goals and dreams.

  • Every day, I take decisive action towards my personal success.

For Self-Worth and Assertiveness

  • I am worthy of respect and treat myself with kindness and love.

  • I assert my needs and boundaries with confidence and respect.

Bumblebee Jasper Jewelry

People often wear Bumblebee jasper jewelry for its distinctive beauty. The unique bands of yellow, orange, and black make a striking fashion statement. 

Beyond its visual appeal, the stone also has emotional and spiritual benefits. It can offer support through its associations with positivity, self-confidence, and empowerment. 

The stone also resonates with the sacral and solar plexus chakras. This can help maintain balance and alignment on a daily basis. 

You can also wear bumblebee jasper to inspire creativity, enhance your motivation or support you during a time of personal growth.

Bumblebee Jasper Ring

Bumblebee Jasper Bracelet

Caring for Your Crystal

On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, Bumblebee Jasper ranks between 5 and 7, which means it's relatively soft and can be scratched by harder substances. Here's how I suggest caring for this material:

  • Store separately to avoid scratches

  • Use soapy water and a soft cloth for cleaning

  • Avoid harsh chemical cleaners

  • Keep away from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight to prevent color fading

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“How to Use Bumblebee Jasper for Manifesting”


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