Blue Lace Agate For Positive Communication

Blue lace agate comes in many shades of blue and white.

Blue lace agate is the perfect stone for people who need help with communication. If you’d like to be a better speaker, this crystal can help you gather your thoughts, feel confident and present your ideas more clearly.

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Physical Properties of Blue Lace Agate

Family: Chalcedony variety of quartz.

Color and Appearance: 

You can recognize a blue lace agate by it’s pale blue color and banded waves. The stones come in a variety of shades with white or dark blue lines that curve around the crystal.

The blue shades can vary from a light hue to a deep or bright blue. You might also see some threads of brown throughout the crystal.

Where It Can Be Found:

While agate is very common, the blue lace variety is more rare. The main source used to be Namibia, until it was believed to be mined out. But new sources have recently been discovered in other areas.

  • Australia

  • Brazil

  • Canada

  • Mexico

  • Morocco

  • Namibia

  • South Africa

  • United States

Metaphysical Properties of Blue Lace Agate

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Planet: Neptune

Chakra: Throat

Blue Lace Agate Meaning

The blue lace agate is associated with honesty, clarity and communication. The crystal can help you feel confident and it will enhance your speaking ability. It’s perfect to carry during a public speaking engagement, a business meeting or a personal conversation. 

Blue Lace Agate Benefits

Blue lace agate has many benefits, most of them around communication. Whether you’re speaking one on one, or to a group of people, this crystal can help in several different ways.

Blue lace agate can help:

Put Your Thoughts Into Words

If you have trouble gathering your thoughts and sharing them with people, this crystal can help. It promotes feelings of calmness that will help you get your ideas in order. It also stimulates the throat chakra, which will help you express your thoughts out loud.

Feel Like You’ve Been Heard

This stone is especially good for people who don’t feel heard. If you feel like your ideas are ignored, try carrying a blue lace agate. The crystal will help you clarify your thoughts and voice your opinions with confidence.

Clear Up Misunderstandings

If you need to have a difficult conversation, put a blue lace agate in your pocket beforehand. The calming nature of the crystal can create a space of authenticity and connection, giving everyone involved the ability to speak with honesty and good intention.

Inspire Loyalty

Blue lace agate is sometimes called the stone of the diplomat. It encourages others to see you as trustworthy. It’s the perfect crystal to carry when you have an important meeting. Speaking honestly is the best way to gain trust and the blue lace agate can help you do so.

Enhance Discernment

As well as helping you to speak up, blue lace agate will also let you know when it’s time to keep quiet. Good communication includes both speaking and listening and this crystal can help you balance both in your conversations.

How to Use Your Blue Lace Agate

Since this crystal is associated with the throat chakra, the best way to use it is by wearing a pendant of blue lace agate. Wearing it close to your throat will help you benefit from it’s ability to enhance and guide your speaking abilities.

If you’d like to improve your communication skills for the future, you can hold the stone or gaze at it during meditation. Focus on the image of yourself speaking clearly and confidently while you hold your crystal. When you’re done meditating, you can carry the stone in your pocket or place it at your work station.

Magical Use of Your Blue Lace Agate

If you have an important talk or meeting coming up, boost your confidence and enhance your speaking skills with this quick and easy spell.

Before bed, fill a glass with water and cover the top with a napkin or saucer. Place your blue lace agate next to it. Don’t put it in the water! Most crystals are not food safe. Place the crystal on the table, touching the outside of the glass. 

In the morning, center your thoughts on feeling good and speaking confidently. Drink the glass of water and put the crystal in your pocket or purse to carry for the rest of the day.

Mantra For Meditating With a Blue Lace Agate

When you’re choosing a mantra for meditating, remember to pick one that resonates with you. Think about your personal needs and your intentions, then choose the one that suits you best. 

If you have a specific goal, you can make up a mantra of your own. Or you can choose one of these:

  • I am calm and confident.

  • I communicate with love and compassion.

  • I speak my truth with clarity and kindness.

  • I express myself honestly and authentically.

  • I release all fear and speak with confidence.

  • My ideas and opinions are valued and important.

  • I speak easily and embrace the flow of conversation.

  • My throat chakra is balanced and open, allowing my authentic voice to be heard.

Blue Lace Agate Jewelry

Since the blue lace agate is connected to the throat chakra, a necklace is the perfect way to bring it’s peaceful energy into your life. It’s especially beneficial to wear for public speaking or an important conversation.

Blue Lace Agate Tumbled Stones or Raw Stones

Tumbled stones and raw stones both have the same energy of peace, connection and communication. The stone will make a beautiful addition to an altar or meditation practice in either form. If you’re trying to decide between a tumbled stone or raw stone, choose the one you were drawn to first. 

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